Emails I get through the forum...

Things the admins think about from time to time... Also, feel free to come to the admins with any concerns or suggestions.
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Emails I get through the forum...

Post by submariner »

Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at 5.03.42 PM.png
Dear Mary,

I hope you're well. I hope after you sent your email you noticed the announcement post that says our community is not associated with any retail company, and that I really can't do anything to persuade Albertson's Companies (who are the actual owners of the Signature Select brand, by the way) to change their recipe.

Maybe I can divine what Albertson's Companies might say...

I'm sure Albertson's Companies and the fine grocery markets they service our wonderful country through, want you to know they're concerned you didn't find "Signature select counting calories" to meet your taste standards. The Signature Select label offers a wide variety of foods you can choose from that may better suit your taste palate. If not, their stores offer a wide variety of delicious brands to choose from, as well as a wide assortment of produce, meat, seafood, and whatever your taste buds crave! I'm sure they hope you'll visit one of their stores again to try something new.

If not, there's always Walmart.
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Re: Emails I get through the forum...

Post by rwsandiego »

That email reminds me of a phone call I received early in my career. The bank I worked for shared its first three numbers with Marshall Field's department store. One day, the phone rang and when I answered this woman went off about the store, its credit card, the merchandise, the lack of parking, and the rude employees and how she was NEVER shopping there again. She concluded her rant by saying "what do you have to say about that?" I replied, "ma'am, this is [insert name of bank]. We don't concern ourselves with where you shop." She immediately hung up.
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Re: Emails I get through the forum...

Post by storewanderer »

Calling the phone number on the back of the package usually involves a long hold time so maybe this was an easier option. Same net result is nothing will be done. However, maybe had they called, they could have gotten a refund. I called them a couple times last year to complain about poor quality products that I was not going to use and threw away, and request a refund be applied to my club card.
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Re: Emails I get through the forum...

Post by SamSpade »

They can apply credit to your Club Card? Well, I learned something new today.
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Re: Emails I get through the forum...

Post by TW-Upstate NY »

One day I get a call at home from what sounded like an elderly lady complaining about a tree "you guys" had planted improperly. I had no idea what she was talking about and asked her who she wanted to speak to. Her reply was "well isn't this so and so's Tree Farm." I told her no and hung up. Checked the phone number for that business and saw it was very similar to mine. Just a minor annoyance and really no big deal.
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Re: Emails I get through the forum...

Post by submariner »

Here's a new one. I'm not sure where he got the idea I was a Kmart distributor... I hope he gets his pants.
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