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Re: Super Target-Superior, CO- fire

Posted: January 3rd, 2022, 10:43 am
by ClownLoach
Actually looking at the picture - this is far worse than it looks at first. Look along the back of the roof line - you can see the areas where plumes of fire came back up from inside and tore through the roof - large black areas burned. The fire entered the building at the back of the store not the front. Everything behind it is gone. The roof looks like this mainly because of the array of solar panels that burned - but the inside of the store clearly burned too. It's looking like the fire inside went up through the roof where it was spread out by the solar panels. It is probably cinder block construction which is why the walls are still standing, and the fire sprinklers probably helped. The inside is totally gone at least at the back of the store and this right half. I would expect a full rebuild though as losses of this size are insured - most retail stores basically need a catastrophic loss like this to pierce the insurance minimum. (Usually retailers are self insured for losses below $100K and split the cost between $100K and $1M, insurance fully covers losses over $1M)