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CVS and Rite Aid Limiting Emergency Contraceptives

Posted: June 29th, 2022, 9:45 am
by Alpha8472
CVS and Rite Aid are limiting purchases of emergency contraceptive pills such as Plan B to 3 pills only. Women all over the United States are stockpiling these pills as many states have laws that ban abortion now. Also many other states are about to enact laws within 30 days.

The legality of the so called morning after pill is not being questioned. It is simply a very high dose version of a common daily birth control pill. It is used to prevent fertilization.

However, if the Supreme Court decides to tackle contraception, birth control pills could become illegal in some states. You never know when things will change.

My pharmacy seems to be running out of stock of morning after pills. If it gets really bad, and the manufacturers cannot make enough pills for the entire country, many women are going to need abortions. The worst time of year is the day after New Year's Eve. Pharmacies sell more Plan B on that day than any other day of the year.

There are many drug supply problems. Many medications have been in short supply going back years. Many of these drugs are made in other countries and they cannot seem to find sources for the ingredients.

There is also the issue of theft. Many times I have seen empty packages of Plan B at the store. People steal the pills and leave the boxes.

I would encourage people to seek other forms of birth control. There are clinics that offer free daily birth control and most insurances cover daily birth control with no co-pay. There is no need to steal from stores.

Re: CVS and Rite Aid Limiting Emergency Contraceptives

Posted: June 29th, 2022, 5:34 pm
by storewanderer
The irony is most of what is left of Rite Aid operates in states where Abortion laws are not even changing and not impacted by this at all. People are incredibly ignorant about this. Also never realized the quantity of abortions that must be taking place on a daily basis until I started to watch the reaction to this ruling.

For instance I am in Nevada and the abortion rules are written into the state Constitution to allow it, up to 15 weeks. Period. Whatever anyone's opinion is on the topic, what the voters voted on in 1990 and was approved is what is in the state Constitution and that is that. There is no way to change that without the state legislature (which meets every two years) taking action THEN taking the amendment to the voters during TWO election cycles and getting it to pass with at least a 2/3 majority vote of voters both times. In other words, nothing is going to change in Nevada.

Yet in Nevada we have large groups protesting and many believe that abortion is going to be banned in Nevada in "weeks." The public who is behaving in this manner does not even understand how the laws work and how many states have their own rules on this topic. Pretty sorry state of affairs.

There are also many legal challenges being filed in the states with bans to go into effect in 30 days, to stop those from going into effect. I assume at a minimum those legal challenges will cause a delay.

So these folks who are hoarding the pills, are just making it worse for the people who actually need the pills... selfish self centered people who think only of themselves. Likely won't even use the pills they are hoarding before they expire.