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Predictive PLU NCR Self Checkout

Posted: July 18th, 2023, 10:19 pm
by storewanderer
A Hispanic store in Reno called Marketon has installed self checkouts. NCR self checkouts and they use Storeline register software.

Primarily at this store I buy produce. This store does not support scanning of produce, nor do most other smaller chains with the NCR equipment.

Typical NCR self serve units when you go to item search have a list of "popular items" at the front, usually things like bananas, limes, lettuce iceberg, etc. This list is the same every time. It may change every week or two based on what are actually the popular items.

At Marketon I have been noticing as I go through my items and go to item look up, the popular items seem to keep changing as I move from item to item. Finally I figured out what is going on. If I put a bag on the scale with oranges and then go to look up item, the popular items option gives the choice of various tangerines, etc. If I put a bag on the scale with lemons, lemons come up as a popular item (which was not a popular item when the oranges were there). So the cameras are looking at what you put on the scale and modify the popular items list based on evidently the color of the item.

I do not believe I've seen this anywhere else but after using this a few weeks now it actually works quite well and I'd like to see Wal Mart implement this for sure as their produce entry is a very miserable process and many items don't scan.